Moravia Moments

Pictures from the depths of moravia, showing our little farm, and the area around it, along with various scibblings, quotes, comments, etc. from our family.

Friday, August 18, 2006


Alright, I told you I would tell you about our hailstorm.

It was a bright and clear day. We were all getting ready to go to 'Charachter Club'. Then somebody looked out the window. The sky was black and scary looking. We had been discusing whether or not to bring the clothes in off the line. That settled the question. within 5 minuets it had begun to rain... and (you guessed it) the rain turned to hail . Our chickens who don't generaly go in in a rain, decided that perhaps they had better after all. It was hillarious to watch them run helterskelter for cover ( and the cats were funny too. The dogs were in the porch, which is their usual shelter, so they had to find antoher one or share with the dogs:) ). It hailed for about 5 minuets, hard hail... and then it stopped and the beutiful day with the lovely sky returned. Only now we had hail all over our yard.

They were mostly the size of rather large grapes, but some of them were gain on lemons size.
Got to go now... we are improving the kitchen today... mabye I can post some pictures about that later.
Tags: Hail, Photo

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